Sphynx cat nearly died after being used as ‘breeding machine’ for 90 kittens ..

Sphinx cat nearly died after being used as 'breeding machine' for 70 kittens 
Sphynx kittens are hugely popular and can sell for thousands of pounds (Picture: SWNS)

A Sphynx cat has been rescued after she nearly died being used as a ‘breeding machine’.

Poor Kiko, 11, was forced to give birth to around 90 kittens.

As a result of the relentless breeding, she has a ‘pouch’ so big the skin folds over behind her back feet.

Her previous owners made around £140,000 flogging the kittens.

Kiko and her nine-year-old son, Nim, were eventually rescued and taken to Fylde Coast Cats in Blackpool.

They arrived ‘grubby and dirty’ with a highly contagious virus that had resulted in breathing problems and oral disease.

Nim’s teeth were removed as a result of his condition.

Both mother and son were also diagnosed with kidney disease – a common problem for Sphynx cats which have been victim to bad breeding.

Sphynx cat Coco who was used as a breeder has been rescued by Fylde Coast Cats. See SWNS story SWLEcat; A hairless??Sphynx cat has been rescued by a sanctuary who took it in when it was almost bred to death by being forced to give birth to around 70 kittens - earning it's previous owner ??140,000. A female sphynx cat who was relentlessly bred to produce more than 70 kittens to be flogged for up to ??2,000 each has been saved by a Blackpool cat rescue. Koko, 11, and her nine-year-old son Nim arrived at Fylde Coast Cats, on Newhouse Road, in a terrible condition earlier this month. The elderly female, who had been rescued from a breeder in the North East, is believed to have given birth to at least 70 kittens in her lifetime, earning her former owner up to ??140,000, as sphynx kittens can sell for up to ??2,000 each.
Kiko was used as a ‘breeding machine’ by her previous owners (Picture: Kelvin Stuttard/SWNS)
Owner of Fylde Coast Cats Kim Millard with Coco and Nim, Sphynx Cats that she has helped to rescue. See SWNS story SWLEcat; A hairless??Sphynx cat has been rescued by a sanctuary who took it in when it was almost bred to death by being forced to give birth to around 70 kittens - earning it's previous owner ??140,000. A female sphynx cat who was relentlessly bred to produce more than 70 kittens to be flogged for up to ??2,000 each has been saved by a Blackpool cat rescue. Koko, 11, and her nine-year-old son Nim arrived at Fylde Coast Cats, on Newhouse Road, in a terrible condition earlier this month. The elderly female, who had been rescued from a breeder in the North East, is believed to have given birth to at least 70 kittens in her lifetime, earning her former owner up to ??140,000, as sphynx kittens can sell for up to ??2,000 each.
Kim Millard fears she will struggle to rehome Kiko and Nim (Picture: Blackpool Gazette/SWNS)

Fylde Coast Cats founder Kim Millard said: ‘Nim’s gums were open and bleeding, and he’s got a massive pit in his tongue from ulceration.

‘Obviously the breeder has used and abused them.

‘Nim in particular is in a bad way. He’s extremely thin and can’t really eat because of the pain in his mouth.

‘They’re desperate for attention all the time. They’ve obviously not had a very nice life.

‘Kiko has got a great big pouch, and when she sits down the skin folds over her back feet.

‘They will have been making between £1,000 and £2,000 per kitten – multiply that by 70 and you’ve bought a house.’

Sphynx cats Nim and Coco who have been rescued by Fylde Coast Cats. See SWNS story SWLEcat; A hairless??Sphynx cat has been rescued by a sanctuary who took it in when it was almost bred to death by being forced to give birth to around 70 kittens - earning it's previous owner ??140,000. A female sphynx cat who was relentlessly bred to produce more than 70 kittens to be flogged for up to ??2,000 each has been saved by a Blackpool cat rescue. Koko, 11, and her nine-year-old son Nim arrived at Fylde Coast Cats, on Newhouse Road, in a terrible condition earlier this month. The elderly female, who had been rescued from a breeder in the North East, is believed to have given birth to at least 70 kittens in her lifetime, earning her former owner up to ??140,000, as sphynx kittens can sell for up to ??2,000 each.
Kiko and Nim were very unwell when they arrived in Blackpool (Credits: Blackpool Gazette/SWNS)
Sphynx cat Nim who has no teeth has been rescued by Fylde Coast Cats. See SWNS story SWLEcat; A hairless??Sphynx cat has been rescued by a sanctuary who took it in when it was almost bred to death by being forced to give birth to around 70 kittens - earning it's previous owner ??140,000. A female sphynx cat who was relentlessly bred to produce more than 70 kittens to be flogged for up to ??2,000 each has been saved by a Blackpool cat rescue. Koko, 11, and her nine-year-old son Nim arrived at Fylde Coast Cats, on Newhouse Road, in a terrible condition earlier this month. The elderly female, who had been rescued from a breeder in the North East, is believed to have given birth to at least 70 kittens in her lifetime, earning her former owner up to ??140,000, as sphynx kittens can sell for up to ??2,000 each.
Thanks to Fylde Coast Cats they have received much-overdue love (Picture: Blackpool Gazette/SWNS)

Sphynx cats are described as a ‘dog-like breed of cat’ due to their extroverted and affectionate behaviour.

They are naturally hairless due to a genetic mutation.

But because of their poor health, Kim fears she will struggle to rehome Kiko and Nim.

But she remains hopeful that an experienced owner will be able to provide them with palliative care for the little time they have left.

Kim said: ‘These cats have been bred for money. They haven’t been screened for heart or kidney issues.

‘If you’ve got a Sphynx, chances are it will die of a heart condition or kidney failure.

‘The problem is that people take them on without doing proper research.

‘You have to bathe them. They’ve got very sensitive skin, they get cold very easily, they can’t go out, they get sunburned very easily.

‘People think they’re interesting things and go out and buy them – it’s a bit of a fad – but they’re hard work.

‘They’re like the French bulldogs of the cat world.’

Kim has encouraged people to, where possible, to request to see their potential kitten’s mum – in case she is in a similar situation to Kiko.

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