“Kangaroo” Kitten Born Without Elbow Joints Was The Smallest And Weakest Of The Litter, Look At Her Now


Meet Little Roo Russ – the cat that’s bit like a kangaroo.
When she and her two kitten siblings were dropped off at a shelter in late April 2016, Marnie Russ noticed something wasn’t right. “She was considerably smaller than her siblings and the staff at the shelter noticed she was walking weird” After x-raying Roo, they realized she was born without elbow joints. Marnie, who specializes in caring for animals with special needs, took the kitten home and soon fell deeply in love with her!

When Little Roo Russ came into the shelter, right away they noticed something wasn’t right


“She was considerably smaller than her siblings and the staff at the shelter noticed she was walking weird”


After x-raying Roo, they realized she was born without elbow joints


Marnie decided to take care of the kitten at home and soon fell deeply in love with her


Now, eight months later, Little Roo is happy and fluffy as ever, not letting anyone stop her!


“She has learned to use her front legs like a normal kitty would, so if you didn’t know her story you wouldn’t think anything was wrong with her, except when she walks she is shorter in the front”


“She has been successful in helping raise thousands of dollars for the organization that helped save her, the National Kitten Coalition”


“She is so great at giving back and she doesn’t even know it!”


Causing trouble like a normal kitty: “Last night I shattered my moms terrarium, ruined her favorite piece of art, peed in the sink and knocked all the ornaments off the Christmas tree. Mom said I was on the naughty list but she bought me this new bed anyway!!!”


Little Roo enjoying her new scratching post from Santa


Awaiting afternoon snuggles


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