Mother Cat Brings Her Ill Kitten To The Hospital, Medics Rush To Help Them


Recently, photos taken by Merve Özcan were shared on Twitter showing a mother cat bringing her sick kitten to one of Istanbul hospital’s emergency rooms. The paramedics can be seen surrounding the poor mama cat and petting her.

Fortunately, Turkish people are known for their love and respect for stray animals and the cats received the treatment necessary.
More info: Twitter

A stray cat mom took her baby kitten to the ER

Image credits: ozcanmerveee

Shared by thousands of people on Turkish social media and liked by more than 89k people on Reddit, the story made many’s hearts warm. In the photos shared on Twitter, a baby kitten is seen carried by its mama to the human emergency room. “Today we were in the emergency room of the hospital when a cat rushed to bring her offspring in her mouth,” Merve Özcan, who originally shared the photos, wrote.

The photos that made a round on social media show paramedics huddled around the cats

Image credits: ozcanmerveee

The Turkish media reports that the medics intervened immediately and checked the kitten for obvious health issues. The mother cat was following her baby around and did not let it out of her sight.

While the kitten was being cared for, the mama cat was given milk and food

Image credits: ozcanmerveee

Local media writes that while the baby was being cared for, the medics gave its mother some milk and food to make her more relaxed and comfortable. The Turks have long been known for their love and care for stray animals, with many leaving out food and water for them on the streets.

After the intervention of human doctors, the two cats were directed to a vet

Image credits: ozcanmerveee

Luckily, as Turkish media reported, both cats seemed fine, but were still directed to the vet just to be sure that the mother and kitten duo are in good health.

The event was all over Turkish news outlets and social media

Image credits: ozcanmerveee

People on Reddit praised the paramedics and hospital staff at the Istanbul hospital for their kind actions. Some also remembered stories of their own where people helped animals in need. “This happened in my hometown with a birthing cat. She had problems and walked up to the hospital and started to meow. They helped her and she is now the pet of the doctor who called the vet,” one Reddit user shared.

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