Woman Adopts Senior Cat, Goes Back to Shelter for His Friend


A woman adopted a senior cat from the shelter but came back for his old friend with whom he had bonded very deeply with, who also needed a forever home.

Mojo 11 and Max 16 were dropped off at Friends of Anne Arundel County Animal Control, which is located in Maryland. They have been friends together for a long time but were separated in different cages when they arrived in the shelter.

“About a month ago, this lady adopted Mojo, an 11-year-old cat who came to the shelter with another cat, Max, who is 16,” the shelter wrote on Facebook.

“Mojo has been a wonderful pet, she said, but she couldn’t get Max out of her mind. ‘The idea of him living out his life in a cage just broke my heart,” she said.

The day after Christmas, she went back to the shelter to adopt Max also so that these old friends could be reunited.


See the tender photo of Max meeting his forever human and is on his way to reunite with his best friend, Mojo.

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