Young Boy Could Have Picked ANY Animal to Adopt, But Instead, Chooses a Lovely Senior Tabby


Stories such as this one happen only in movies – or do they?

Easton, who is a young boy whose mom decided to add an adopted pet to the family, was allowed to pick any animal he wanted from a shelter. It could have been a little puppy or a sweet kitten, cute and playful.

Easton, however, wasn’t about to settle on a baby animal – or even a young one. He chose Tiny, who is a 10-year-old ginger cat who had just lost his home.

At 10-years-old, the slightly overweight cat from Exploits Valley SPCA located in central Newfoundland Canada was certainly not at the top of the list of animals with the biggest chances of finding a new home.

But in an instant, Easton changed Tiny’s life forever!

Easton stumbled upon Tiny on the shelter’s Facebook page and when they met for the first time, it was very clear that the kitty would become the boy’s best friend.

“Easton loved Tiny because Tiny loved him. He was never withdrawn around him from the second he saw him”, Easton’s mom explained to Love Meow.

The fact is, Tiny was so charmed by his new little friend that on the very ride home from the shelter, he got out of his carrier and immediately cuddled in with Easton!

Wouldn’t it be great if all adopters would have such a loving and open mind as sweet Euston did!

Sadly, the truth is that senior pets typically have the hardest time finding forever homes and are some of the first to be put down due to overcrowding.

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