The Three Main Reasons Your Cat Loves To Sleep In Bed With You!


Cats actually spend most of their life on sleeping. Everyday they manage to get about 16-20 hours of fragmented sleep (or not), and they can sleep just about anyhere and anytime. Also, as owners, you just might be visited by your kitty when you’re on your bed pretty often. So why’s that?

Here are the 3 main reasons.

#1 They need to feel the warmth.

You may already know. Cats are very attracted to warmth: they sit on your laptop, they lie under the sun, they lie flat on their back by the fireplace, etc. So, guess what? You are one of those warm objects, too.

#2 Cats always need to feel safe to sleep.

Sleeping is when they are most vulnerable, so when they come to you, they actually want to feel protected. Be happy and proud, your cat is trusting you!

#3 They simply love you.

Your cat grows attached to you mainly because it loves you. Although cats are not the very best at showing emotions, they certainly do have them. Cats express their love by giving you smooches, pawing at your face, licking you, accompanying you always, and lying on the very same bed with you is yet another way. Your kitty feels completely at home with your scent, so they are likely to be in places that have traces of you.

How sweet is that!?

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