Neighbor’s Cat Arrives To See His Soulmate’ Each And Every Day For Two Years


This simply has to be the cutest love story of all time.

This is Sophie, a fluffy female rescue.

Sophie was adopted in Boston way back in 2014. Just a bit later, Sophie was introduced to a leash and took a walk around the neighborhood. It was then that Sophie seemed to attract an admirer.

“I remember when I first started taking her out on the leash Scottie would come over and watch from across the lawn or driveway without coming too close,” Sophie’s human mom explained to Love Meow.

Scottie was the neighbor’s cat, and he absolutely and literally fell in love with Sophie ever since he laid eyes on her.

For the first initial few weeks, he would keep his distance but admire Sophie from afar.

“Sophie was too busy for him… but soon he became bolder and would sit closer like he was waiting for an invite to join in. Sophie didn’t seem to mind he was there as long as she didn’t have to pay attention to him much.”

After some time, Scottie finally got up the courage to introduce himself.

“His persistence started paying off and soon Sophie came to expect him on her adventures and allowed him to sit with her,” she said to Love Meow.

“The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is open the porch door so Sophie can look outside. Many mornings Scottie is sitting on his driveway looking up and they watch each other.

“If Scottie sees us sitting on the porch from his lawn he walks over, politely uses the sidewalk, and waits hoping for her to come down.”

Teo years have passed and the two are inseparable. “They are so cute together. Whatever Sophie does, he does too.”

“Scottie really is the cutest ‘boy next door’ neighbor. All he ever really wanted was to join in and be pals….Well…and maybe a quick kiss.”

How irresistibly sweet!

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