Man Gets Friendly Surprise Greeting From Friendly Cat Who Has Very Unique Markings


One day, a man was greeted right outside his car door by an extremely friendly cat who just so happens to have very striking and stunning markings.

This beautiful one-of-a-kind kitty isn’t photo-shopped!

He has white-colored ears, nose, and paws, resembling an inverted panda.

His name is Panda Kitty!

This gorgeous feline currently lives in Romford East London, UK.

What he actually has is a rare skin condition which is called Vitiligo. This particular condition happens only rarely in animals, however, when it does occur, it most often happens to cats who are all black. Ultimately, this odd condition causes loss of pigment on the face and feet.

“He lives at a veterinary farm in Romford,” Danny Redmond explained. “He goes up to everyone and gets in their cars. He loves people.”

This exceptional kitty is deeply loved by people who live in the neighborhood and has a loving home with a veterinary family.

There are various modes of vitiligo seen in cats.

White spots which appear on the coat usually, over time, become much more extensive until the kitty has a sort of white lace pattern on his or her black coat.

Looks like Panda kitty wants a ride.

Panda kitty’s nose, ears, paws, and tail each progressively losing their original black pigment.

You have to admit, he is one gorgeous cat!

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