Stray Cat Creeps Her Way Into A Nursing Home And Lands Herself A Job


Oreo is a former stray cat who one day just showed up outside St. Augustine Health Ministries in Cleveland, Ohio, and instantly knew it would her forever home.

Oreo kept on coming back to the building, and after finding a way to get inside, managed to make all of the residents fall head over heels in love with her.

And today, Oreo’s even found her own place in the home – sitting behind the reception desks where she assists her human friends with their day-to-day work.

Fellow receptionist Carmen Delgado explained to ‘She’s like the family here. She helps the residents, she helps the employees, and we just love her.’

Dana Carns, who is the director of the advancement, added: ‘Most of the people we serve here had pets… so to have Oreo here, for them to be able to come out and pet the cat and see how the cat is doing… it brings a lot of laughter, smiles, those feelings of home.’

Susan Orwen, one of the residents living at the nursing home, stated that she likes Oreo being around because she’s a black and white cat and she likes hanging with people.

Dana mentioned that everyone at the home absolutely adores Oreo, and they’re constantly taking and sharing photos of her doing her job behind the receptionist.

It’s wonderful news that Oreo’s found a loving home – especially one filled with so many people ready to give her the love and care she truly deserves.

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