9th day after birth| Bassy and her fluffy babies (video)


There are 5 kittens in this video. Their parents are Bassy and William. One male and four females. The kittens got funny names – Sprite, Yupi, Fanta, Cola and Pepsi. Today is the ninth day after their birth. They are getting fluffier every day. They start to get to know the world and open their eyes.
They are SO cute! Bassy is a wonderful mother, it’s nice to see new little kitttens!
Adorable as always. Kitty angels straight from heaven. 😇😺♥️
Cats will let you pet them because they trust you and are soothed by your touch. Even if they don’t say a word, the way they look up at you and the way they relax fills your heart with happiness. Listening to the sound of their throats rumbling doubles the healing effect. The time when cats and people heal each other will be a happy moment that cat lovers will never forget.😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻

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