“Thank goodness, the frightened cat came out of the hole, but then the real action began!”
Where’s Walldo? Hairy Rescue of a Stray Cat From a Wall After a Week
Rescuers from Hope for Paws in Los Angeles shared the story of Walldo, a stray cat who found himself trapped in a wall for over a week. You’ve heard of “ceiling cat,” but Walldo popped out of a wall to lick a saucer of milk!
Walldo ventured into a building and, being afraid of people; he took cover in a hole in the wall. However, a kind woman named Kelly Weston saw him. At one point, she managed to get close enough to try to pick up Walldo.
However, Walldo reacted aggressively, biting her hand so hard she needed to go to the hospital. It’s a good reminder to be careful handling cats you don’t know since injuries can sometimes be serious, the rescuers pointed out on Facebook.
In the meantime, people left food and a saucer of milk outside the small hole in the wall. (Sidenote, milk is NOT good for cats but here was used to draw the cat out of hiding). As you can see in the videos, Walldo would poke his head out occasionally. Otherwise, he stayed put, although they called for him repeatedly. There, secure inside the wall, he could stay well out of reach of anyone.
Walldo Remains Holed Up for Over a Week
Now, over a week passed, and the rescuers were posting “Where’s Walldo” updates on Facebook. Fortunately, even though she was bitten, Weston contacted the rescuers for help.
“When dealing with a possible feral cat, it’s important to be extremely careful,” Hope for Paws’ Eldad wrote on YouTube. “When I saw Kelly Weston’s injury, I knew it [would] turn to be a battle, and I am happy to report that at the very end (of the video) – WALLDO WON!!! BIG TIME!!! Yes, I know Waldo spells with one “L,” but this guy was hiding inside a WALL(do). ”
With the help of a kind man named Wilfredo, the rescuers could put a larger hole in the adjacent wall. Then, they created a structure to corral Walldo into a crate, thinking he might try to escape when he heard banging. However, no such luck, as Walldo wouldn’t budge.
After creating a sizable hole, his curiosity overcame him as he peeked out. So, the rescuers prepared to capture him with a noose. Fortunately, they managed to get the gentle snare around Walldo, but then it turned into a mad scene as he was extremely unhappy at finding himself outside his safe place.
️ A Hairy Rescue ️
Now, the rescuers couldn’t scare him too much, or the cat could injure himself by thrashing around. Thank goodness, the frightened cat came out of the hole, but then the real action began! Walldo had a total hissy fit. (See video below) It really speaks for how much effort rescuers put into saving feral felines, often putting themselves at risk. And, the cat was very scared and unsure if the people would hurt him.
“It was the most stressful minute of Walldo’s life, but we promised to make it up to him,” the rescuers said.
Later, Weston began her own efforts to help unhoused pets and people with a nonprofit called Uplifting Echo.
Video by Hope for Paws below:
After causing quite the ruckus and inflicting injury, it’s amazing to see “where’s Walldo” now. Despite acting like a tiger trapped in a cage and requiring demolition to be rescued, Walldo’s personality soon changed completely.
Who is this cat, anyway?
Image screenshot via YouTube/The Dodo
Once in the shelter, the kitty was soon allowing the rescuers to pet him as if nothing had ever happened. It’s quite unbelievable how quickly he warmed up. Then, he would find a foster home with Let Them Be Little Feline Rescue, who found Walldo a forever home with a new sister named Bassett. Now, he became a lovebug and nothing like the cat your see in the video above.
“This is Walldo and his new sister Bassett.”
Walldo and his new sister Bassett, Facebook/Let Them Be Little Feline Rescue
You can follow Let Them Be Little Feline Rescue and Hope for Paws and Uplifting Echo on Facebook to see more amazing rescues.
After the harrowing rescue, the Dodo featured the lucky cat’s story. At the end of the video, you can see how Walldo transformed completely.
Video by The Dodo: