Brother Uses Cats to Recreate Sister’s Family Photos


“My twin sister Meredith is so great and I am so bad,” Gordy recently wrote on his blog.

“Every year on my birthday, she gets me something cool… And I’m the worst brother because I never get her anything for her birthday.”


This year, Gordy wanted to change all of that. Inspired by his sister’s love of social media, Gordy decided to recreate 28 photos from Meredith’s Instagram page, Facebook page, and Twitter posts.

There were photos of her posing in front of stores, and leaning awkwardly nears trees. There were pics of her pulling off yoga moves, and even staring wistfully at the camera for selfies.

But by far the cutest photographs he recreated were the ones in which Meredith poses with her kids. Gordy doesn’t have any children so he had to use a cat. And what makes this even more hilarious is that Gordy doesn’t own a cat, and had to borrow one for his photo shoot!

Having recently moved to Taiwan, Gordy doesn’t have a big social network yet, so he decided to ask his church if anyone would be willing to loan him a cat.


“[It] wasn’t weird at all since I’m new to the area and am just getting to know people,” Gordy sarcastically remarked to Babble.

Strange? Maybe, but the pictures turned out amazingly and Gordy said Meredith absolutely loved her gift. It was a success!



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