Cat With One Eye And Snaggletooth Is Still Beautiful


Willie the cat is simply a fluffy kitty that looks quite a bit different than his peers, but is still adorable and ever-so-sweet!

“I’ve had Willie for 4 years now and he’s the love of my life,” Kristen stated.

Kristen adopted him when he was a mere wee one of a kitten.

“He has been deformed since birth, but thankfully is in perfect health!” Kristen went on to say. “From the day I first saw him we have been inseparable. Everyone said he wouldn’t make it when he was born because he really did look rough, but I knew he would,”

He was born with just one eye and a bit of a crooked jaw, with results in his cute, little snaggletooth.

“He’s just a big ole sweet baby that sleeps in my arms every night. He’s super sweet and definitely a mama’s boy,” concluded.







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