Kazou, A Handsome Orange And White Cat, Lives The Best Life, Despite Being Blind


Kazou is living proof that life can be lived to the fullest, regardless of your circumstances. Found as an 8-week-old kitten, his eyes were already severely damaged. Missing one eye when found, his foster mom tried to save the second. Unfortunately, the eye could not be saved and was removed.

Photo by Sabine Fallend Fotographie

Sabine Fallend, a pet photographer, first met Kazou at his foster home in 2014. Kazou’s foster mom was a good friend of Fallends.

Photo by Sabine Fallend Fotographie

“I was concerned about his handicap at first, but as I met him, all fears and worries were gone and my husband and I decided to adopt him,” said Fallend.

Photo by Sabine Fallend Fotographie

His foster mom had described him as a very calm cat to Fallend, but after his surgery, he was anything but calm and quiet. He acts like every other cat. There is nothing this precious boy can’t do!

He is sassy, fearless, curious, and shares the same hobbies as his siblings who see all.

He loves to chase bumblebees and sunbathing his belly in his very own garden. Seeing the world differently can only be a positive when you are seeing it with your heart.

What I’m trying to say: removing his eyes was like a release for him. All the pain was gone, and he started to bloom,” said Fallend.

Kazou was likely unable to see well from birth. For him, the only change was the pain relief. He relies heavily on his sense of smell and hearing to find his way around. Because of this, loud or strange noises can be stressful. It is easy to tell when he is stressed, because he cannot navigate as well.

He is a climber! He simply needs something to touch with his front paw to find his way down.

So How is Kazou Living His Best Life?

Despite his disability, Kazou embraces life. He is a very confident boy. Although stubborn and sassy, he is gentle and charming. He simply knows exactly what he wants!

Sabine Fallend has taught Kazou some tricks. High five, spinning in circles, playing dead, rolling over, and standing tall and proud are just a few. He knows more than 20 tricks and looks forward to training. Likely for the pawsome treats he gets for a job well done!

Facebook page was created for Kazou, showing off all the things he can do. He and his loving family hope that it will serve as an inspiration to other animals looking for love who also have disabilities.

“Kazou is very inspiring for many people and of course for me. He had a great effect on my life and my way of thinking. That’s also the reason why I created this page and keep talking about him,” said Fallend.

So with a specific vision in mind, he has become an ambassador for animals with special needs. He has shown the world just how amazing they are and how much love they have to give back.

Because all special needs animals, like Kazou, deserve a chance to live life to the fullest too.

♥All photo’s taken by Sadine Fallend Fotographie

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