Officer Scrappy the Police Compassion Cat Is on Duty in Rhode Island


Officer Scrappy, cat, Tiverton Police Department, Rhode Island

Officer Scrappy is a cat who ‘supervises’ at the Tiverton Police Department in Rhode Island. According to the local news, she’s been with the department for years, patrolling the perimeter to keep a watch out for pests.

And as part of her duties, Scrappy is the department’s “compassion cat,” offering a daily morale boost.

“Scrappy likes the warm spot on the huge of the patrol cars and often keeps the mechanics and officers company while they are working,” reported Joshua Faiola.

Scrappy, Tiverton Police Department, Rhode Island

Images and video via Facebook/Tiverton Police Department

 Recently, the Tiverton Police Department shared a video of Officer Scrappy ‘supervising’ shift changes. As you can see below, the cat gives a fist bump of approval as an officer walks by.
Fist bump cat

“Officer” Scrappy fist bumps Sergeant Brillon at the start of his shift last night. Just about every night, she climbs her post and supervises shift change!”

In response, someone praised the cat on duty.

“We love that Scrappy!!!! Best Officer Kitty ever!!!! ” wrote one person.

Below, Scrappy is part of the team as they come together for routine police work. As you can see, she does take an active interest in daily activities. But is there a treat hidden there, or is Scrappy really part of the investigative work? 

Tiverton Police Department, Scrappy

“Good Afternoon Tiverton. Some departments have K9 units and compassion animals. Well…meet our compassion cat,” they wrote.

Scrappy Police Cat

Always, Scrappy looks proud to be part of the team and even has a police vest to wear. Sitting on the hood of a patrol car, she looks ready to serve and protect.

“This cat knows what it means to be an officer. Just look at that face” commented one person.

Police Cat

“When I say I want to speak with your supervisor…this is what I meant,” said another person.

Officer Scrappy Police Cat

Most notably, Officer Scrappy has a personal physician and is well-cared for and adored at the station.

Dr. Meredith Goyette at Salty Paws Veterinary Care with Officer Scrappy

Dr. Meredith Goyette at Salty Paws Veterinary Carewith Officer Scrappy

Along with enjoying their police cat, many of the officers love other pets. For example, the department shared the news that Lieutenant Byran Palagi supports pit bull rescue, Pits for Patriots. 

And recently, we shared the story of another ‘Police Cat,’ Arnold, part of the ‘secret cat division‘ of New Zealand’s Auckland police force. Wonderfully, news about Arnold helped lift spirits during lockdowns due to the pandemic. But wherever they go, cats can provide a welcome relief from the troubles of the day. So as we enjoy their companionship, stresses melt away with each soothing purr.

Arnold the Police Cat, New Zealand


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