Cat Reunited With His Family After Being Lost For 536 Days


This shy cat from Virginia animal shelter was lucky enough to find a forever family.

When his human parents, Mindy and Luke Criner, took him in, they were heartbroken to see him sitting alone while his other kitty siblings played.


But Mindy knew that once they took him home he would bloom. She named him “Cat,” he soon overcame his initial shyness and became a beloved part of the family.

When the Criners had a baby Cat fell instantly in love with him. With time, Cat became more confident and his favourite pastime was exploring their yard.


That is, until he suddenly vanished. He had a habit of wandering off by himself but one night he didn’t come back. Mindy and her family searched everywhere but he was nowhere to be found.

As weeks then months passed, they began to loose hope of ever finding him. They had even set up housing stations around the area and had asked friends to keep a look out.

They put posters up everywhere and went on nightly walks calling for him, by now hope was slipping through their fingers.


Then, 536 days after Cat went missing, Mindy received a call from animal control saying that someone had found him. She rushed to the shelter to meet him, hoping that it wasn’t a mistake. When she arrived at the shelter she was told that a man had been taking care of her precious kitty, thinking that he was a stray.

Cat had arrived at the shelter because he had been hit by a car and this compassionate man had found him just in time and took him there for much needed attention. After discovering and scanning his microchip, they realized that Cat was not a stray after all.


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