Meet ‘Toby’ The Cat with rare condition adopted by loving family | Cat with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (VIDEO)


This is Toby, a cat with a rare skin condition that makes him look like an old, wise, and adorable wizard. Hey, buddy. Toby’s affected by Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which is congenital and causes a severe shortage of collagen and elasticity it provides. That leaves the skin quite stretchy, prone to sagging, and extremely delicate and vulnerable to injuries. In fact, Toby’s at risk of getting hurt even when he’s doing normal things like grooming himself or playing with his cat brother.

Don’t worry though, Toby’s family has it handled. They adopted him knowing that he’d need some special attention. His humans make sure he doesn’t put on weight, as that could mean even bigger problems for his stomach, which already sags down to his knees. He lives a happy cat life and does happy cat things, like keeping a close eye on the neighborhood birds and letting his humans know when it’s time for a belly rub.

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