These Abandoned Kittens Kept Each Other Alive Until People Saved Them, And Now They Won’t Let Go Of Each Other


Two kittens were malnourished and wounded when they were rescued in Phoenix, Arizona. There was no sign of a mother cat around, and after a few days of them being outside, some concerned citizens contacted co-founder of Bottle Baby Fosters, Melinda Blain, about the poor kittens’ situation, and the little furballs were immediately rescued. “The tortie girl was only 85 grams, while her brother was 120 grams. She was the weight of an underweight newborn at five days old,” Melinda told Love Meow. It was clear that the two wouldn’t have survived the ordeal if not for each other’s company. They basically kept each other alive through days and nights of being abandoned. The two were so used to having each other by their side that whenever they were separated, they wouldn’t stop crying for each other’s presence. The tortie was given the name Bonsai, while the ginger was named Buddha.
Bonsai showed a massive improvement after a day of being well-fed and well-rested, and she instantly gained 15 grams. In spite of having severe wounds on her legs, Buddha also showed a great fighting spirit with his sister always by his side. Even when they grew older they would still stick together, and explore their surrounding as a pair. As of now, they couldn’t be any happier, they are loved, and well taken care of, and most importantly, they made it through together. Scroll down to read the rest of their story and keep up with their progress by following them on their Instagram page.
(h/t: lovemeow)

Buddha the ginger and Bonsai the tortie were left outside for days, and there wasn’t a trace of their mother cat around when they were rescued in Phoenix, Arizona. Both were malnourished and their legs were full of wounds.

Co-founder of Bottle Baby Fosters, Melinda Blain, was contacted about the poor kittens’ situation, and the kittens were immediately rescued.

“The tortie girl was only 85 grams, while her brother was 120 grams. She was the weight of an underweight newborn at five days old” Melinda told Love Meow.

It was clear that the two wouldn’t have survived the ordeal if not for each other’s company. They basically kept each other alive through those the days of being abandoned.

The two were so used to having each other by their sides that whenever they were separated, they wouldn’t stop crying.

After being given the attention and care they missed for the first few days of their life, the two could never feel more secured and loved.

“They purred the minute I picked them up. They just seemed to know that they were so loved.”

Bonsai the tortie, showed a massive improvement after a day of being well-fed and well-rested, and she instantly gained 15 grams.

In spite of having severe wounds on her legs, Bonsai showed such great fighting spirit with her brother always by her side. During treatments, she would beg for belly rubs as she lies on her back, and she would respond with purrs of gratification.

“She is a great little fighter and has the loudest purr.”

When Bonsai and Buddha turned 10 days old, they were already able to open their eyes and their bodies showed how well-fed they are.

The two instantly fell in love with solid food the first time they were introduced to it.

“They’re almost totally weaned and haven’t lost their desire for constant snuggles.”

The two will always be inseparable, through the good times and the bad times, they will always stick with each other.

The rescue team are in hopes of finding a forever home for them once they’re ready for adoption. As of now, the two couldn’t be happier with their current state. They are loved, and well taken care of, and most importantly, they made it through together.

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