Kitten Born In The USA With Two Faces


Kitten Born In The USA With Two Faces

kitten has been born in the US with two faces.

The rare cat was born overnight on Wednesday and has four eyes, two noses, and two mouths. Despite that, it still manages to be pretty damn cute.

The King family, who are looking after the cat at their home in Oregon, awoke on Wednesday morning to discover that their family cat had given birth to a litter of six kittens.

However, they quickly discovered that one of the cats was a bit special.

Because it’s got two faces, they’ve given it two names. The double-headed cat is called Biscuit and Gravy.

Credit: NBC/KOIN
♥Credit: NBC/KOIN


Weirdly enough, the cat can meow out of one mouth while stuffing its face with food using the other. That’s a pretty impressive skill to have.

They shared the details of the miracle birth online after dad BJ was prompted by the kids, and since then Biscuit and Gravy has gone viral.

BJ explained: “I told her I’d post it on our local community page,

“I said we’ll probably get a little bit of reaction out of this. It took off really fast.”

Now, this story does actually take something of a sad turn.

While BJ’s wife Kyla is working really hard to look after the cat and keep it alive, they are well aware that there isn’t much hope that it will survive for long.

Cats born with two faces are known as Janus cats, after the Roman god with two faces, but they ordinarily aren’t known to survive for more than a day.

Incidentally, they’re referring to the cat as ‘it’, simply because Janus cats don’t have any real identifiable sex.

Credit: NBC/KOIN
Credit: NBC/KOIN


Kyla told local media station KOIN: “It doesn’t really know how to nurse properly because it has two mouths so I’ve been trying to feed it.

“I’m gonna do the best I can but these animals don’t usually live too long.”

So, at the minute, Biscuits – which they’re calling it for short – can’t hold up its head independently because it is too heavy. However, if the family can help it to survive, they intend to.

Well, it’s at least in a loving home, even if it doesn’t survive for much longer. Its short life will have been a relatively enjoyable one, with any luck.

As they try to keep Biscuits and Gravy alive, the family are just trying to enjoy the time that they have with it.

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